Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Making Rosary Beads


Today, after we finished prayers we made rosary beads. Mrs Agnew showed us what to do and then she gave us each a plastic bag with ten of the same coloured beads and three other single beads and a plastic string. I chose a yellow string and red beads.

Firstly, we had to take the ten beads and the plastic string. Then we threaded the beads from one side to the other, using the string and pushing it through the middle of the beads.  These ten ten beads are a decade for when say the "Hail Mary".

Then, when we had finished putting the ten beads on the string, we had to thread the three single beads onto a double string. This was a little more difficult because it was hard to thread the double string through the small hole. We tied a knot. The three beads are for us to say the Hail Mary,Glory be and the Our Father.

In the end Mrs Deeney gave us a white label to draw a cross on and to write our names.We made the rosary because it is the month of the rosary.I can't wait to use my rosary.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Nicole, what a wonderful way to celebrate the Month of the Rosary. I love the colours of yellow and red you chose for your Rosary. They say, red is the colour of love and yellow is the colour for friendship. I say, you chose great colours for your Rosary. Awesome job, Nicole!


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